Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Some Separation Anxiety Mixed With Couscous

Dear Separation Anxiety,

While I understand and respect that my daughter wanting to cling to Mommy 24-hours a day is a part of her development, I was really beginning to enjoy getting a full night’s sleep, and getting to read an entire article in a magazine again. If we could strike a compromise, it would totally make my day.


                                                                        Mama Snyder

Needless to say, this week hasn’t started out the way I had planned. Kyle’s birthday was on Sunday, so we stayed up late drinking yummy craft brews and watching movies with Kyle’s best friend Darin every night of the weekend. During the day, we went to a couple of restaurants, and the little miss got taken off schedule, so on Monday, I had to work to get Laela back on her schedule. Thankfully, she went to sleep pretty easily, but she kept waking up crying for her Mommy. After three hours of rocking, cuddling, praying to the baby sleep Gods that she would pass out and stay passed out, and wondering what the heck I’m doing wrong (which I know now that I’m awake that she’s probably just readjusting and getting visited by the separation anxiety fairies), I’m kind of feeling like I’m having an out of body experience, watching myself zone through the day- and it really isn’t fun.

On a happier note, Laela is back on her normal feeding schedule, so hopefully she’ll sleep better tonight since I’ve stuffed her with plenty of roast chicken and potatoes with couscous.
Mommy foodie tip of the day? Pick up some couscous- both regular and “grande”. The grande is great for when the little ones want to feed themselves, and it’s great mixed with pretty much anything. The best part? Both kinds take only a few minutes to cook!

Also, stop buying those pre-made boxes of couscous. It’ll save you up to six bucks! All you need is a thing of plain couscous and you can mix it with any of your favorite spices, or just plain old salt, pepper and olive oil. I like to add a little parmesan cheese and veggies and you have a ridiculously quick and easy meal on the table in five minutes or less.

Coming soon…a section of “cooking tips”, and a section for all you parents out there trying to feed your kid something other than jarred “mystery veggies”.

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