Monday, July 26, 2010

Shake me all life long!

This past Saturday, our good friends Lizy and Wyatt got married.  The entire shabang was completely beautiful (can you really go wrong with a wedding in the Finger Lakes?  I think not.), but what really got me was just how much they love each other.  They've been together a long time, they understand and accept one another for who they are, and they have so so much fun together.  They're one of those couples that are just lovely to be around because they are exactly as a couple should be- two wonderful individuals that create a really fantastic union.

Their wedding was the first time we ever left Laela, and honestly, it was the first time in a long time that I really got the chance to remember some of the silly things that made me fall in love with my husband.  Sometimes, living life is busy, and through going through the motions, we don't get a chance to express ourselves the way we'd like.  When it was just us, the love letters were longer, the dates more elaborate.  But now, we have to cram a lot of love into a smaller amount of time, so it was nice to "escape" for a little while and get to just be for a moment.

When I met Kyle, he told me he was going to marry me or kill me.  I figured I'd dated enough psychos to be able to tell if he was a total nutjob, so I gave him a chance to be right, and you know what?  It's the best decision I ever made.

The first time we ever danced was to the song "You Shook Me All Night Long" long by ACDC.  It may not sound romantic to you, but he told me he was going to shake me all life long, and I have to say he has.  If you know my husband, he is one exasperating individual.  He's as stubborn as he is generous.  He's the most loving person on the planet.  And while you may not like what he has to say, it's never a lie.

I shared some of this with a friend after the wedding.  I told him how much I love my husband, how I think he's the greatest guy in my world, how he can make me laugh on the worst of days, and I realized in that moment that romance is what you make it.  Love is what you make it.  Love is not just hot lovin' (although I do think that's very important), it's about friendship and being able to be yourself- whether it's the very best version or the very worst, and being accepted and genuinely loved as that person.  With the exception of asking Kyle not to be evil in church, or to put the seat down, I really don't want him to change.  I married him for who he is, not my idea of who he should be, and I really think that (and hope that), Laela grows up knowing that her parents love and accept one another, and that we'll love and accept her- even when we disagree with her,  or with one another.

I know this post is a bit off tangent with my other posts, but all these weddings have me all mushed out, and I can't help but give this one piece of advice.  Be happy.  I have single friends that feel like they have to be on the hunt to be married, and you know what?  Hunting doesn't always work.  Sometimes finding the right person takes a lot of meeting the wrong people.  And for those that are married?  Happy Mommies and Daddies make for happy kids : )

Tune in Weds for my simple "Anniversary Chicken" that even the pickiest of eaters will love.

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