Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm SO Sick of Soup!

Oh my gosh, it's only a month into cold and flu season and my house has been hit with the sniffles and achiness AGAIN!  Ugh.  There is nothing worse on this planet than a cranky, runny nosed baby, and a cranky, runny nosed, feverish husband!  Since we're all a little sick or being sick, and of living on soup and crackers, I've been researching some healthy alternatives to our favorite sick day staple, chicken soup.

What did I find?  Besides soups- which really are best, I found that instead of the plain white flour pasta and butter that is most people's alternative to soup, you can have a variety of pastas and rices that are delicious and more nutritious for you. You're sick!  You need vitamins and minerals and complex carbs.  You need food that will fuel your body in the most optimal way to help it fight the illness at hand.  Do yourself a favor, get out of your white pasta and white rice comfort zone and try some whole grain, whole wheat, or quinoa pasta.  If you're baking, take a risk!  Substitute some whole wheat or oat flour for some of your white flour!

Tomorrow I'll post a yummy quinoa pasta recipe.  Just because my family is sick, doesn't mean they shouldn't have a healthy, protein and nutrient packed meal!

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