Sunday, December 18, 2011


It's wild how quickly days go when you have a toddler.  Between playdates, Little Gym, playing at the park/children's museum/zoo, running errands, keeping house, and cramming in as much family time as possible, I sometimes wake up the next day, wondering where the heck the time from the day before went.  I think people that don't have children, or haven't stayed home with them, can't fully understand how jam packed a stay-at-home mom's day can be.

Lately, I've been re-evaluating where I'm at with my life- what my expectations for myself are, what they were before I had Laela, and what I actually want, versus what other people have tried to tell me I should want or expect from myself.  I love being a mom.  I love staying home with Laela.  I love that I get to help her learn, watch her grow, and help her face each new challenge- whether it's learning to swim, or something that might seem so simple- like getting undressed and dressed on her own.  It cracks me up how adults forget that someone had to teach them to use a fork, peel a banana, read, and yes, go to the potty on the potty.  I've had to give myself a gentle reminder that people that criticize stay at home moms, or try to be negative or rude about the work they do, have never ever been a stay at home parent themselves. 

I treat being a mother as I would treat a job.  I make to do lists, I create objectives, I have expectations, a schedule, and yes, I have spreadsheets.  When my girlfriends have babies, I send them my crazy spreadsheets of what you need, what you don't need, what you might like but probably won't use much.  I have spreadsheets of Laela's books so that we don't buy doubles.  Christmas list?  Spreadsheet.  Moving?  Spreadsheet.  You get my drift.

The single most important part of being a parent to Laela is making sure that she has, as she calls them, "a happy day!"  That is a job.  It is rewarding, it is challenging, and sometimes I think I know too much about Elmo and Disney Princesses, but it's the best job in the world.

In a few years, when Laela is a "big girl" (a phrase that I've avoided like the plague!  I want her to stay my baby for a little while longer!!!), I"ll embark upon starting my own business, but for now, I'm going to enjoy these moments...and continue to make more spreadsheets- including the one with my expectations, hopes, and ideas for my bakery in a few years.

Tomorrow, I'll be sharing an interview with Mark Cuban- businessman, Daddy, and all around inspirational character.  He has some great insights on starting your own business.

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