Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baby Taco Time!

Ah motherhood. Being a Mommy is something I always wanted to be. I had the dream perfectly laid out..tall, handsome, smart husband (check), adorable pets (check check), beautiful babies (in my dreams there were always three for some reason, but I think I'm all for two)...Anyway, after nannying for three kids for nine years, I figured being a Mom would be cake.

But we don't know what we don't know, right? I didn't know that the major difference between being a Mom and being a nanny is that the nanny is the one giving the break. Mom's don't get a break. I loved the family I nannied for, I loved those children dearly- I still do, but it will never be anything in comparison to the love I have for my child. I can't turn off my feelings for my daughter, I can't shut off the worry, concern or care for my little girl.

So when I transitioned from Cara to wife to Mommy, I had to make some pretty major decisions. Was I going to go back to work? Was I going to nurse or bottle feed? And now that the little peanut is eating solids, to make baby food, or to not make baby food?

Laela is an exceptionally big baby. My husband is 6' 6", so it isn't any surprise that by 4 months, she'd almost quadrupled her weight. Since she's so big, we started her on solids. Now that she's almost 7 months (yikes!) she's ready for the good stuff!

We opted to make her food, and I'd like to say this. I spent less than $3 on making my baby's food for the first two months (with the exception of baby cereal, which was less than $3 for 2 boxes), and you know what? I know what's in her food, and I'm getting her used to my cooking. The best part? It only takes a few short minutes. Steam veggies, puree in blender or food processor for a few seconds, season, serve.

Now my little piggers is on to taco meat with cheese and hot sauce! Tell me I don't have a little food adventurer on the horizon?!

Here's an extra special recipe I whipped up for Laela that she loved:

Baby-Friendly Tacos

1lb ground chicken, turkey or beef
taco seasoning
shredded mexican cheese mix
1 can kidney beans
hot sauce (if your little one is down with the spicy!)

sautee ground meat on medium low heat. (cooking meat on anything higher than medium will often result in a tough, overcooked meat.) add taco seasoning with a 1/4 cup of water. (if using beef, drain the fat before adding the water and taco seasoning.) try to make the meat as small as possible.
drain the water from the kidney beans. heat in pan or microwave. toss in blender on the puree setting.
mix cheese, beans and meat together for a yummy treat!
this will make A LOT of tacos, so freeze the leftovers in ice cube trays or enjoy some yummy tacos with your little one (this mixture is GREAT on nachos or in taco shells for bigger kids and grown-ups!)

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