Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Cupcakes

I don't know what you were like as a kid, but I loved Easter almost as much as I loved Halloween. I knew that my family would stock me up with enough goodies to keep me in sugar shock for at least two months. My favorite part about the entire holiday? Not family dinner, or the Easter egg hunt, but these amazing cupcakes my Grandma would bring me from the fancy schmancy bakery down the street from her house. (Only I would love real French buttercream in elementary school haha.) They were that gooey, fabulous, melt in your mouth kind of cupcake that's so fluffy and perfect that it doesn't even get a chance to stick to your fingers.

So in honor of my favorite Easter treat, I'm making a boatload of my favorite cupcakes- done Caracakes style- Easter bunnies jumping into the bunny holes, grass with jumping beans, and of course, Easter Eggs. It took me years to get even close to that fabulous bakery of my youth's recipe, but I've finally done it..and I can't wait to share with my friends and family this weekend.

Have a great holiday everyone!

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