Wednesday, January 26, 2011

If you've got English grandparents, or have ever been to an English restaurant, there's no doubt you've had peas and cream.  I think they're one of those things that the English decided that they'd use to bribe unruly, picky children to eat peas (or in my case, a husband that has lackluster feelings towards vegetables).  They're a great side for steak, chicken, or pretty much anything roasted.  The best part?  Your friends and family will swear you're a gourmet cook when all it took is less than ten minutes and very, very little work.

This recipe is going to be a bit different than some of my other recipes in that I'm not going to give you exact amounts. 

  • Peas (I prefer frozen.)
  • Grated Parmesan cheese (fresh if you have it on hand, but really out of the jar is fine too!)
  • Heavy Cream
  • Garlic Powder
  • Onion Powder
  • Salt and Pepper
In a medium saucepan on medium heat, pour the amount of peas that you want to make.  Pour in the heavy cream until it is just covering the peas.  Shake in a big heap of the parmesan.  Add a few good shakes of garlic and onion powder into the saucepan, and then mix the whole thing together really well.  As the mixture begins to simmer, give it a good stir to make sure the ingredients are fully mixed.  When you can pick up a pea and pop it in between your fingers with no effort, see how it tastes, and then and add salt and pepper to your liking.  You want your peas to be coated with thick, cheesy, silky cream.


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